Monday 22 September 2014 00:02 to 06:28
(6:26 hours)
Last night I fell asleep quickly, and slept through the night without waking. This morning I woke up from a dream to the alarm at 6:30am.

Random Dream Fragments
A lot of stuff happened in this dream, but I really only remember bits and pieces.
I was somewhere that I'd been lots of times before, where there were two babies. I knew the older one and had interacted with her a lot of times before, but had never really seen the younger one because she had been born very recently.
I picked the older one up and put her on my lap, as I'd done lots of times in the past, and then she started really crying. I then realised it was the younger one that didn't know me and tried to make friends with her. After messing around for a few minutes I managed to get her to stop crying.
Locked Out
I was in my house with someone else, and when we left I accidentally locked myself out. The outside of the house looked like my nan's house in Cookham (my nan on my dad's side). I distinctly remember the moment that the door shut and I instantly thought "Oh no my keys are inside!"
We were trying to figure out how to get back inside, trying to remember where the spare keys were, when suddenly the house was unlocked again. I asked who unlocked it and the other person with me said that it was the postman, and that postmen always carry spare keys to the houses that they deliver to.
Other Misc. Fragments
I remember being on some kind of ride or vehicle, with multiple tracks next to each other. There was some kind of problem and the carts were stopped and I helped resolve it.
I also remember being at a dinner with lots of my family, and my nan (on my mum's side) was there. I remember thinking that she looked old, and didn't look like my nan at all!