Sunday 10 August 2014 00:47 to 06:40
(5:53 hours)
Last night it got late and we still hadn't driven home so we decided to stay at Yu Lee's mum's house. It took me a little while to fall asleep, and then I slept through to the alarm at 6:30am this morning. I dozed for 10 minutes and then got up.

Prison Exercise Yard
I dreamt that I was in prison with Yu Lee's little brother, Zen.
It was time to go to the exercise yard for some kind of physical training, but when we got there Zen said that he'd forgotten his bag and left the yard to get it. As soon as he walked out the guy doing the training approached him and started having a go at him, telling him he couldn't return to his cell to get his stuff.
When I noticed what was going on I went to defend him and started having a go at the trainer. He turned round and started explaining to me how he couldn't just let prisoners do whatever they wanted and go anywhere as they are criminals and they might commit a crime. I didn't want to agree with him but he explained it so calmly and seemed very reasonable. I remember thinking that he seemed like a kind man.
This is all I remember.