Tuesday 08 July 2014 12:50 to 14:33
(1:43 hours)
I felt a but tired around 11:30am, but needed to stay awake for a package which was due to be delivered by 1:00pm. The package came, but I was still expecting another package, so I decided to close the curtains and go to sleep on the sofa in the front room so that I wouldn't have to run far for the door.
I slept lightly, waking several times, and that sofa is not ideal for sleeping on. Eventually I woke up properly, not really being sure if I'd been properly asleep or not. I was there for a couple of hours though and had dreamt so I must have been asleep.
When I came to log the end of my sleep, I clicked the mouse to wake up the computer. I have no idea what was on before I went to sleep, but I must have clicked on the Japanese (original version) song Suteki Da Ne from Final Fantasy X which started playing out of my speakers, which was quite nice.

Visiting WorldPay
I don't remember exactly how it happened, but I bumped into some WorldPay employees and they asked me to come back into the office for a cup of team. I came into the office, and the layout was weird (looking back on it) with a few rows of desks and no computers.
Someone passed me a box of tea, and I started sprinkling it into a very small cup. The cup had some big pieces of something in it, and it was hard to sprinkle the tea in without it going everywhere. The tea itself was a weird mixture of what looked like sherbet and hundreds and thousands.
As I was pouring on the boiling water Mr Goodman, my maths teacher from school, walked into the class room and approached me. I knew that non-employees weren't supposed to be in the building (it felt more like Jagex) and thought he was going to chuck me out, but he just said something like "Ah, Stephen, do you want to come this way and take a seat?"
I told him that I was just here because my friends asked me to come in and have some tea.