Wednesday 18 June 2014 23:11 to 05:52
(6:41 hours)
I fell asleep quickly and slept through the night. This morning I dozed for a while.
In addition to the dream I recorded, I have a very vague recollection of dreaming about having at least two girls on the go!
This morning I fell like I slept just a little bit too much.

Shoes in the River
I only remember this quite vaguely now, so I won't go into much detail.
I'm outside somewhere, and there is a river. The river has large blocks of stone / concrete in it, so you can pretty much walk down the river, stepping from block to block.
I'm out on the blocks, when I come across a pair of shoes. For some reason I decided to take off my shoes and try them on, and even though they don't fit, I keep them on when I leave, leaving my shoes behind on the rock.
I continue up the river until I come to a dead end where the blocks stop, and I have to back track a little before I can make it to the bank.
The next bit is a bit hazy, but I went to somewhere that you normally need an appointment. I think it was a hair dresser. I go in to make my appointment, and they tell me they don't have an appointment for a while, but there is a space after their next customer, as long as he finishes in time.
When the next customer comes in, for some reason he isn't ready to get his hair cut then and has to go back to the river to get something. I can't really remember what happened here, but I know I went back to the river too to get my shoes back.
The only thing I remember from the last part of the dream was someone telling him that he should walk back along the bank, and not along the rocks.