Thursday 12 June 2014 12:37 to 14:08
(1:30 hours)
It was beautiful and sunny outside today, so I had a couple of beers after lunch and sat in the sun with a book. Afterwards I came inside and slept on my sofa.
I woke up from a dream after 1.5 hours, with a horribly dry mouth.

I don't remember much of this dream, but I do remember one fragment. For some reason, and I have no idea what the context is around this, I was with some other people and were messing around and singing. One of the other people was singing the guitar parts to heavy metal songs, and I was singing the words. I particularly remember singing one part of "Sugar" by System of a Down:
I sit,
In my desolate room,
No lights,
No music,
Just anger,
I've killed everyone,
I'm away forever,
But I'm feeling better...
We were amazed how good it sounded with us just singing the guitar part and the vocals.