Tuesday 03 June 2014 23:30 to 05:46
(6:15 hours)
Last night I went to bed a little earlier than I have been doing, and it took me a little while to fall asleep, probably about 20 minutes. Once asleep I slept through the night, and then this morning I did my usual thing of waking up, looking at the clock, thinking "I need to get up" but then dozing off again whilst trying to remember my dream. I woke up about 10 minutes later and got up.

Card Game
We are all sleeping over at someone's house, and everyone is sitting about in the front room. Someone has a card game that I've never played before.
The game seems to be similar to Uno, where you have to keep laying cards down on top of the pile that match the previous card in some way. The rules state something about how you have to kiss the other person if you can't go. I want to play the game with a female dream character that doesn't exist in real life, but I think in the dream is related to me in some way, like a cousin. Either way she is attractive.
Before we start playing I go upstairs to get more cards. I ask everyone if they mind if I turn the thermostat down, and they tell me that they are cold and don't want me to make it colder. I tell them "there are two options: either you can put some more clothes on, or I'm taking my clothes off, and I don't think anyone wants that, do they?" They agree, begrudgingly.
I head upstairs, and the thermostat is in a cupboard. The cupboard is built into the wall, and has a large wooden door that starts about waist height and goes up to the ceiling, like an airing cupboard. The house has a feel like an old cottage, and when I open the cupboard, the thermostat is the only thing inside, in the middle of the cupboard on the bottom.
The thermostat looks really weird. It looks like it must be about a hundred years old, and is made of wood and metal. It has a lever on top that you can push in either direction in increments of five degrees. I think to myself that I only wanted to turn it down by one or two degrees, but I'll have to turn it down quite a bit instead. I change the temperature from 25°C to 20°C (notice how it's still in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit despite being antique). I instantly notice the heating turning off.
I head back downstairs and we play the card game. We obviously don't play it right because we pretty much just play random cards on top of each other until we have none left. No one has a turn when they can't go, and more importantly no one has to do the forfeit and kiss the other person.
Afterwards we talk about how we played it wrong and try to work out the rules from the instructions.