Monday 02 June 2014 00:15 to 05:45
(5:29 hours)
Last night it took me a while to fall asleep, which is not surprising considering how much I slept yesterday. I woke up at 2:00am, and then again at 5:00am when I woke up from a dream, and looked at the clock and thought "time to get up".
I accidentally fell asleep again and woke up from another dream 40 minutes later.

Back From the Future
I dreamt that I was working somewhere, and I'm not really sure the details about what my job was or what the company was doing, but it seemed to have something to do with technology. It might have had something to do with robotics, and the company had a kind of military feel to it.
One day I came into work and there were some strange people there with lots of crazy technology. It turned out that these guys were from the future and that the company was working with them. I don't remember all of the details, but I do remember talking to one of them and him telling me a bit about his past.
He said that when he first started to play with time travel, the first thing that he did was to use it to manipulate the stock exchange. He worked his way forward through time, predicting what would happen with the stock exchange and using it to make himself rich. Then he worked backwards through time and created the technology he'd bought with him to the present day.
When he explained it in my dream it made a lot more sense. I had a feeling that these men were not very nice people.