Thursday 03 April 2014 23:32 to 04:59
(5:27 hours)
Last night I fell asleep quickly and slept through until 4:45am when I woke up from a dream. I looked at the clock and then rolled over and went back to sleep.
When I drifted off I seemed to go back into the same dream. I woke up naturally, and the clock said 4:59am so I decided it wasn't worth sleeping again for 1 minute and got up.

I dreamt that I was at some kind of festival, and it was the last day. I had to leave and drive back home but I couldn't be bothered and we were watching a film on TV that I wasn't interested in. When the adverts came on I went to leave.

Festival Part 2
I woke up from my previous dream, and When I drifted off again I seemed to go back into the same dream.
This time I was packing up my things in a small hotel room, and one of my items was some kind of food. I was checking it and I though it was finished, but then I accidentally opened it and it was full of food. I was trying to cling wrap it but the cling film kept breaking off.