Sleep Log

Sunday 01 December 2013 23:37 to 05:28

(5:51 hours)

Last night we had some friends over for dinner and to play some board games. I had a little bit more to drink than usual and ended up going to bed at 11:30pm.

I'm not sure how long it took me to fall asleep as I was drifting in and out. I remember looking at the lock at midnight and 1:00am, but don't remember anything in between so I'm sure I was sleeping.

At 1:00am I got up to get a glass of water and go to the toilet, and when I got back I moved my alarm back half an hour and went back to sleep. I dozed until 2:00am when I looked at the clock again, and then slept through until 5:25am. I laid in bed for a few minutes and got up 1 minute before my alarm was due to go off.

I felt like I'd been drinking the previous night, but it wasn't bad.