Sleep Log
Friday 11 October 2013 23:30 to 05:00
(5:30 hours)
Last night I went to bed a little bit later than I should have and fell asleep very quickly.
I had some very strange dreams in the night and woke up at least 3 times. One time I looked at the clock and it was just after 2:00am and the last time was 4:50am, but I still went back to sleep even though it was only 10 minutes before my alarm.

Confusing Toilets
I had some very strange dreams in the night, one involving being in a hostage situation with the queen (!) and another with a recurring theme of needing to go to the toilet, and going to a public toilet which was very confusing and difficult. There were lots of people there, lots of urinals in weird places, and every time I went up to a free urinal it would turn out to be broken or not a urinal.