Friday 04 October 2013 22:33 to 04:57
(6:23 hours)
Last night I went to bed early and fell asleep in about 10 minutes. I woke up from a dream at 3:30am but I don't remember the dream anymore. I got back to sleep and slept until the alarm when I woke up from another dream.

Package at Work
I dreamt about being in an office with a mixture of my current work mates and some random people. We got a package addressed to all of us and when I opened it up it had a DVD with the game-show Gladiators and loads of beer. I was excited but when I looked around everyone had fallen asleep.
Just before I woke up I remember that I was running a code analysis tool on my code, and it was really frustrating to use because it generated lines of text that were hundreds of characters long and I had to scroll for miles to the right to read them. Also the font was really big which made matters worse.