Wednesday 18 September 2013 23:04 to 04:57
(5:53 hours)
Lsat night I went to bed at 11:00pm because Yu Lee was tired, but I wasn't sure if I'd sleep or not. Once I turned out the light though I fell asleep very quickly, but woke up from a dream (which I don't remember) at 1:00am. I was very hot and thirsty so I got up and got some water.
When I got back to bed I was straight asleep again.

This time I was dreaming about being in an arcade with someone.
I wanted to play a quick game of something before I went home, and as soon as we got there, 3 people were playing table football together. The person I was with went and joined their game and I was really pissed off because it was my idea to come to the arcade and I was left out.
After a while we ended up playing shuffle board, and I went to the bar to get us a beer each, but the bar seemed to have run out of beer! Then my alarm went off and I woke up.