I only remember one scene from this dream.
I am doing some kind of maths contest. The presenter is eccentric and dressed in a suit and reminds me of Mr. Goodman, my maths teacher from school. We are in the hallway of a house with a staircase in front of us and a white board on the stairs. We are being filmed for TV and I know for some reason that the queen is watching.
The mathematician has drawn 4 numbers on the board in a cross, one up, down, left and right. The numbers each have about 5 digits and we have to do some kind of puzzle with each of them that involves a lot of calculations (similar to countdown).
When the time ran out I hadn't got any of the answers. I complain the it's not fair because he knows the answers, but he says he doesn't, and proceeds to work them out in front of me.
He scribbles away at the board and works them out really quickly and I am very impressed. I ask how he knows there is always a solution and he somehow proves it to me.
I would love to know if the maths he showed me actually made sense but I guess it's unlikely. I was slightly in awe of him!