There is some kind of disaster, and I have to go into a building that is falling apart to rescue someone.
I arrive at the building which turns out to be a block of flats, and once inside I realise that the man I'm supposed to rescue is a few floors up, but that the normal way of getting to his floor has been destroyed. I don't remember if the building is on fire or just crumbling, but everything is a mess and it's difficult to navigate.
I end up going to the floor above him and going through one of the rooms and out onto a balcony. I climb over the railing and drop down into the balcony below.
As soon as I land on the balcony I see the guy I'm looking for and tell him that we have to get out of here. I go to climb back up onto the balcony of the floor above but the man tells me that he doesn't know how to climb up, so I talk him through what I'm doing. I climb up onto the railing and quickly grab hold of the ceiling of the balcony. Then I carefully reach out and grab the railing of the balcony above and pull myself up. (As if I could do that in real life!)
The man is scared but he has no option, and although it takes him a while longer than me, eventually he manages to pull himself up onto the balcony above.
When we go back inside, the building is even more of a mess and there is a real sense of urgency to get out. We head straight for the stairs, but on our way there we come across a room with the door open and piles of rubble everywhere. I stop for a moment as I notice a small child cowering between the piles of rubble.
I tell the man that I need to go and get the child, and I don't remember whether he waits for me or leaves on his own. I climb over the mass of rubble and make my way to the child, and talk him out of his hiding place. He's holding a Game Boy and doesn't want to leave without it, so I quickly look around and find some more Game Boy cartridges and gather them all up and put them in my pockets. I remember that one of them was a Game Boy Camera, like I used to have when I was a kid.
We leave the room just in time. The room collapses and rubble comes crashing down as we make our way out of the building.