The first part of this dream that I remember is being away somewhere with a group of men. I don't remember exactly what we were doing, but I get the feeling we were on holiday, and maybe staying in some kind of caravan.
Something weird was happening, and we had an animal in a bag, and somehow it got out and was attacking us. It wasn't an ordinary animal: it was a weird creature about the size of a dog, but with a strange body shape that was unlike anything I've ever seen before. It didn't have a head, and seemed to mainly be a mass of strong, kicking legs, each ending in a pointed foot.
When the creature got out of the bag it went crazy, kicking anything it could. Eventually we dealt with it although I don't remember how. Either the creature did some serious damage to one member of our group, or we blew it up and he got caught in the explosion. Either way, one of our group ended up losing a hand and parts of both of his legs.
Later on we are back at some place that seems to be a cross between a school, work and a bank. We are all enrolled to go on some kind of survival course in another country with a famous teacher who appears on television, and me and the guy who had his legs blown off have some kind of agreement, like we are sharing a ticket or something. I don't really understand the arrangement now, but I remember working out that if he couldn't go then I couldn't go.
As we are walking into another part of the building, we see the famous guy who's running the course walking in the same general direction. I want to go and ask him some questions but I'm nervous, but then one of my friends convinces me to do it.
I tell him that we're on his course next week, but I've sustained some serious injuries and lost my feet and one of my hands, and ask him if this will stop me from being able to take part in the course. He looks at me like I'm crazy so I change my story and say that actually it was a friend of mine that had his feet blown off.
The teacher says that it would be difficult for someone with those kinds of injuries to do the training, but that he can't discuss any of his other students.
My friends are all queueing up for something now so I join them in the queue. I see my friend with the injuries and tell him to go and talk to the teacher. As I'm waiting in the queue I realised that the teacher didn't believe me when I told him they were my injuries because I clearly haven't lost my legs!
I'm chatting to my friends, and before I know it I've arrived at the front of the queue. It turns out that this a bank and we were in the queue to talk to the cashiers. The lady behind the counter asks me what I want and I don't know what to ask for as I was only in the queue so that I could talk to my friends. I panic and tell her I forgot what I came for, and she is clearly annoyed that I'm holding up the queue.
After a few seconds of confusion I get out my bank card and tell her that I'd like to withdraw £50. This is the last thing I remember before waking up.