Ecstasy Bottles
This dream was based at home (Slough).
I was out at a party or something and Azeem was there. I think we may have been in Maidenhead, and he was asking how to get home so I told him he needed to get the train back to Slough and then walk to my house.
The next thing I remember is being at home. It was daytime and it was sunny. I think we were having a party because there were lots of people there. Will was there and he had some ecstasy on him, but instead of being in pill form it was in baby champagne bottles that had "Pump up the Valium" written on the side.
"Clams Have Feelings Too" was playing in the background and I asked Will how to take the drugs. He said you swallow them like normal pills and I asked if they were easy to swallow. He said "no" and I told him that I thought you were probably supposed to snap the neck of the miniature bottles and drink the contents.
I asked someone how Azeem got back and they said Jagdeep gave him a lift half way, and when he got out he saw someone he knew who gave him a lift the rest of the way.