First of all, in real life I'm due to get a new stereo delivered today, and I think maybe that influenced my dream. Although I didn't spend that long on it, I did spend some time researching different stereos. Also, the stereo that I ordered has a black, silver and white version.
The first thing I remember in my dream is a package turning up, and when I open it it is the stereo that I ordered. The box is much bigger than expected and when I open it up there are three smaller boxes inside.
When I was ordering my stereo (in my dream) I remember that there were multiple different colours, and I chose a red one as it was the cheapest. When I open the first box in my package I am surprised to see that they've sent me a black stereo. Then when I open the next one it has a silver version of the same stereo, and the last one has an ugly red one which is a bright, pinky red with a white stripe down the middle (horizontally).
At first I'm confused, but then I realise that they must just send out one package regardless of what you order, and you have to return the stereos that you didn't order. I really want the black one, but as I'd paid the cheapest price I decide that I must send it back and keep the red one.
I decide that I want to try out my stereo, but I'm still not sure if I want to actually keep the red one. I am afraid that if I use it, then it will look used and I won't be able to send it back.
Right about this point my brain seems to get a bit confused as I start attaching wheels to the red stereo, and before long I am cycling into town on a large tricycle! I'm cycling really carefully though because I don't want to mark it.
When I'm in the city centre, I start to think about returning the other packages, and all of a sudden I realise that Amazon orders don't work in the way I was describing earlier: I must either keep the package or send the whole thing back. I realise that this means I can keep all three stereos, and I stop worrying about having to send this one (the tricycle) back.