dream Dream: Monday 13 February 2006 08:00

Houses in The Sky and The Cloud Shaker

In this dream I lived in a house above the clouds. A lot of weird and wonderful things happened in this dream, some on the ground and some in the sky, although I can only remember fragments.

One bit I remember was visiting a church. Inside the church were a lot of bells on the ceiling, each with a rope that needed to be pulled to sound it.

The priest demonstrated how to play a tune on the bells. He pulled the ropes and moved around the room. I had a go, but when I did it I pulled the ropes too hard or something and the ropes would end up disappearing up into the ceiling.

The other main thing I remember is that there was a weird machine above the clouds that could make storms at certain points and was used to make moments more dramatic.

It consisted of a frame above the clouds at certain points to shape the clouds, and a huge machine to shake the clouds. The whole world seemed to shake when the machine was on and I felt that it was wrong to be doing that. It seemed very dangerous, like something bad was going to happen.

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