dream Dream: Tuesday 12 February 2013 04:40

Pretend to Drive / Multiplying Meat

I have no clue where I am, but it is a room similar to a classroom and we are doing some kind of training / workshop. The instructor gives us some glasses, a hat and an assortment of other strange items to put on and I remember it being really uncomfortable. We were originally sitting on a row of chairs at some desks but now we are laying on our backs on the floor. The instructor asks us to close our eyes and pretend to be driving a car so we all lay there on the floor with ridiculous glasses and hats on, with our eyes closed, pretending to drive car, moving our hands and feet as if they were on the steering wheel and pedals!

In a later scene I am at someone else's house, possibly my dad's, and I am in the kitchen making something to eat. There is some left over casserole consisting of a chunk of meat in some sauce. I put it in a pan to heat it up, and I decide to break the piece of meat up with a wooden spatula. Each time I break the pieces of meat in half I am surprised at how big the 2 halves are, and in the end I have a pan full of meat.

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