Flying in North London
Lucid Dream (L4)The first part of this dream is very vague. I am outside and there are a lot of people sitting around on the floor. There are some women standing up who are prostitutes, although they are all dressed nicely and look respectable. I have paid some money and now I have to pick one of the prostitutes to take home with me.
The next thing I remember is being outside at night in North London. I feel that I am near Ai Seng's house, although it is definitely nowhere I've been in real life. For some reason we are planning on spending the night outside.
We are hanging around somewhere when all of a sudden an alarm goes off. For some reason I know that I can turn it off by going to some garages down an alleyway, so I head away from the group in that direction.
I remember feeling nervous because I was alone and it was dark and isolated down the alley.
As I'm walking along I find a metal sign post that has been pulled out of the ground, so I pick it up for protection. It looks quite heavy but when I pick it up I am immediately surprised at how light it is, and I continue down the alley easily carrying the pole.
When I get down the alley I disable the alarm somehow and start walking back towards the group. I quicken my pace and am almost skipping / jogging along with this great big sign post in my hand.
All of a sudden I think to myself "this feels like a lucid dream" and become lucid. I toss the signpost on the floor and decide to fly upwards to make sure.
As I fly upwards I become very aware of the sky. It is dark and cloudy, and as I fly up the streets below me disappear and I can only see sky in all directions.
The dream starts to fade out and I stare at a little cloud to try and remain in the dream, and although things clarify a little I feel that the clouds are too fuzzy to focus on and wake up in my bed.