Mouldy Jumpers
I remember 1 fragment from an early part of the dream, and then the last part of the dream. My memory of the fragment is very vague.
We are out trekking somewhere in the UK. I don't remember anything about the walk outwards, but I remember a fragment of the walk back.
We come out into a very pretty area that is very green and quite secluded with trees all around. We've definitely walked through this area on the first part of our walk but it was not so pretty then. The first time I have a vague recollection of it being a muddy swamp, but now the ground is green with grass and moss and is covered with tree roots and large rocks. The area is flooded with a layer of crystal clear water so that pools form between the roots and rocks, and people are sitting on some of the rocks with their trousers rolled up and their legs in the water.
As we wade through someone says something like "look at the little frogs" so I look at the water and sure enough I see there are hundreds of tiny little frogs sitting in the pools.
The main thing I remember is thinking how beautiful this place is, and that it is very different from the previous time we had passed through it.
I very vaguely remember arriving back at the house although I have no idea whose house it is. I'm sure that we were staying over at the house because we had a lot of stuff with us, and when we got there there were a lot of people in the living room, and it was difficult to squeeze past with all of our bags.
The next thing that I remember is the last part of the dream. We are sat around a dining table and there are quite a few people there. Ben H from my work (WorldPay) is there, and someone's mum is there too.
At some point I look down at the jumper I'm wearing and I notice that is has started to go mouldy. I take it off so that it can dry out and I continue chatting with the people around the table, but then I notice that every time I look at the jumper it is more mouldy.
After a while I look at it again, and this time the mould has grown into what looks like some kind of pond plant with lots of big round fuzzy leaves. We talk about how strange it is that the mould is growing so quickly and so big, and we can't work out what is going on.
At some point I decide to get all of the rest of my jumpers out of my bag to see if they have gone mouldy too and sure enough they have. Each jumper has a different and highly distinctive type of mould on it, and each time that I check each jumper more mould has grown.
I have already described the first jumper. Another on has a different looking mould, with stems and leaves in bunches of 5 with each leaf being long and thin with jagged edges and lots of fine hairs growing out of it. Another jumper has lots of tiny red crystals on it, and the other jumper has weird plasticy looking things on it that look like fake gem stones and small fake stones.
Ben picks up the jumper and touches the plasticy growths and comments that they look like "posh beads".
The whole time I keep looking at all of the jumpers and thinking how strange they look, and how odd it is that the mould is growing so quickly, and that it is strange that they have gone mouldy in the first place. Lots of things are going through my head and I have a feeling that something isn't quite right, but I just can't put my finger on it.
After a long time, a through suddenly pops into my head: "Maybe I'm dreaming!?"
At that instant I immediately wake up.
I have just remembered another part of the dream. At one point the mother of the house goes out into the garden and comes back in with a plant. It is a piece that she has cut from a rose bush, and it also has bunches of 5 long leaves on a bramble-like stem. She compares it to one of the moulds and we cannot understand how the mould looks identical to the rose bush!