Sleep Log

Monday 22 October 2012 01:03 to 05:51

(4:47 hours)

Last night it took me quite a while to go to sleep. I went to bed at about 12:40 with Yu Lee, but we were talking for at least 15 minutes before we settled down to sleep. I'm pretty sure that I looked at the clock at one point and it said 1:30 which was 25 minutes after my recorded sleep time.

This morning I was tired so I turned off the alarm, and set a different alarm to go off at 5:55. For some reason I only snoozed my vibrating alarm though, so it went off again about 10 minutes later. Once again I tried to turn it off but snoozed it, and after the second time I decided to get up and have a shower.

The weird thing is I really couldn't figure out how to turn the bloody alarm clock off!