ID Time Duration Quality Comment Dreams
1942 29/08/14 00:05 to 29/08/14 06:39 6:34 I slept well

Last night I didn't feel particularly tired, but once I settled down I fell asleep quickly.

This morning I woke up a couple of times very close to when I finally got up, and I think I was dozing for at least 10 minutes. I woke up naturally without an alarm.

1941 28/08/14 14:01 to 28/08/14 15:24 1:22 I slept well

I got up after my last attempt due to the door going, and then got ready to go out on my brand new longboard. Just as I was ready, I decided that actually I did need a nap, and went to sleep on the sofa in the back room.

I set an alarm but woke up 10 minutes before it was due to go off.

1940 28/08/14 13:12 to 28/08/14 13:17 0:05 I didn't sleep at all

I was just nodding off when the doorbell rang and it was a guy delivering shoes for Yu Lee.

1939 28/08/14 00:01 to 28/08/14 06:32 6:31 I slept well

Last night I fell asleep quickly, and this morning I woke up to an alarm at 6:30am. It was horrible waking up to the alarm and took me ages to properly wake up.

1938 27/08/14 13:29 to 27/08/14 15:03 1:33 I slept well

This was one of those naps where I woke up really groggy and drifted in and out for a while.

1937 26/08/14 23:28 to 27/08/14 06:53 7:25 I slept well

It took me a while to fall asleep last night. I was just thinking of marking it in red when I did drop off, after at least 25 minutes.

This morning I got up just before the alarm and set it a bit later so that Yu Lee wouldn't be too tired.

1936 26/08/14 14:17 to 26/08/14 14:37 0:19 I didn't sleep at all
1935 25/08/14 23:11 to 26/08/14 07:10 7:58 I slept well

Last night it took me a little while to fall asleep, but once I was asleep I slept for a long time and had quite a few dreams in the night.

I woke up around 4:00am, and then again at 6:50am. I remember thinking that the alarm was going to go off soon, so I'll just wait for it, but then I fell asleep and had another dream.

dream dream
1934 25/08/14 13:58 to 25/08/14 15:16 1:17 I slept well

I took at nap at Yu Lee's mum's house so that I would be awake enough to drive home. It took me a little while to fall asleep, and I really thought I wouldn't sleep at one point, but in the end I drifted off and had a nice nap.

I set an alarm so that I wouldn't sleep too long.

1933 24/08/14 23:29 to 25/08/14 07:14 7:45 I slept well

Last night we went to Yu Lee's mum's house for the night. It was relatively early when we went to bed but I was tired so I slept easily.

I woke up a couple of times from dreams in the night, but I don't remember any of them now. I remember thinking that it must be really late but then I fell asleep again and woke up when Yu Lee's mum got up.

1932 24/08/14 15:09 to 24/08/14 16:25 1:15 I slept well
1930 23/08/14 23:51 to 24/08/14 07:15 7:23 I slept well
1929 23/08/14 00:00 to 23/08/14 07:50 7:49 I slept well
1928 22/08/14 19:07 to 22/08/14 19:28 0:21 I didn't sleep at all
1927 22/08/14 15:07 to 22/08/14 15:23 0:15 I didn't sleep at all
1926 22/08/14 00:58 to 22/08/14 07:14 6:16 I slept well

Last night it took me a while to fall asleep, and then I woke up an hour later (at 2:00am) because I bit the front of my lip. After that I woke up again at 3:00am, and then again at 6:30am. Then I dozed until Yu Lee's alarm went off.

1925 22/08/14 00:12 to 22/08/14 00:57 0:45 I didn't sleep at all
1924 21/08/14 17:07 to 21/08/14 18:10 1:03 I slept well

I didn't get a chance to sleep until quite late today, so I set an alarm for just over an hour when I went for my nap. Yu Lee came in and woke me up a couple of minutes before the alarm went off.

1923 20/08/14 23:27 to 21/08/14 06:50 7:23 I slept well

Last night I slept lightly again for the first hour, drifting in and out. Then I woke up from a dream around 6:20am, then dozed through to 6:50am. I laid in bed for a while until Yu Lee woke up, and then she wouldn't let me get up so I stayed in bed until 7:20am. It was nice to have a lay in.

1922 20/08/14 13:08 to 20/08/14 15:52 2:44 I slept well

I was tired this morning, but I'd gotten over it by the afternoon. It took me a little longer than expected to fall asleep for my nap, but once I'd fallen asleep I slept deeply and for a long time.

This was very enjoyable!