Sleep Log

Friday 09 November 2012 16:17 to 18:42

(2:24 hours)

This week I have not been setting an alarm when I have been napping, apart from yesterday because I had to go out in the evening. I thought that maybe the alarm was making it harder to fall asleep as I knew that if I didn't fall asleep quickly, I would get less sleep because the alarm would wake me up in 2 hours time.

Today was the first time that I slept for more than 2 hours (including the time taken to fall asleep that is). I think it took me about 15 minutes to fall asleep though so it was only just over 2 hours.

I think it took me a little longer to fall asleep as I slept for 6 hours last night. I also felt no tiredness in the afternoon at work. I hope I can sleep ok tonight with all of this sleep!